General travel conditions

The following travel regulations will, to the extent that they are effective, be the content of the agreement between the customer and

CHEIF d.o.o.
Kotromanića 48
Sarajevo 71000
Bosna i Hercegovina

(hereinafter referred to as “tour operator”) the travel contract is concluded. Please read these travel conditions before booking through sagliglicht:

As of: March 15, 2024

1. Conclusion of the travel contract/obligation of the customer

1.1 By booking (travel registration), the customer makes a binding offer to the tour operator to conclude the travel contract. The basis of this offer is the travel description and the tour operator’s detailed information for the trip description, as long as these are available to the customer.

1.2 Service providers (e.g. hotels, transport companies) are not authorized by the tour operator to make agreements, provide information or make assurances that change the content of the travel contract, go beyond the contractually agreed services of the tour operator or contradict the travel advertisement.

1.3 The booking can be done by telephone via electronic means (e-mail, social media). For electronic bookings, the tour operator will immediately confirm receipt of the bookings electronically. This confirmation of receipt does not constitute confirmation of acceptance of the booking order.

1.4 The customer is responsible for all contractual obligations of fellow travelers for whom he makes the bookings, as well as his own, provided he has confirmed these obligations by means of a separate and express declaration.

1.5 The contract is concluded upon receipt of the tour operator’s declaration of acceptance. It doesn’t need any particular form. Electronic contract acceptance is also medical.

1.7 If the content of the tour operator’s declaration of acceptance differs from the content of the bookings, this constitutes a new offer from the tour operator to which the tour operator is bound for a period of two days. The contract is concluded on the basis of this new offer if the customer declares acceptance to the tour operator by express declaration, deposit or final payment within the binding period.

2. Payment

2.1 After conclusion of the contract, a deposit of 30% of the travel price is due (if requested upon delivery of the security certificate). The remaining payment is due 21 days before the start of the trip, provided the trip can no longer be canceled for the reason stated in Section 8.

2.2 If the trip does not last longer than 24 hours, does not include an overnight stay and the travel price does not exceed € 75 per traveler, payments towards the travel price may be requested even without a security certificate being issued.

2.3 If the customer does not make the deposit and/or the remaining payment corresponding to the missed payment due dates, the tour operator is entitled to withdraw from the travel contract after issuing a reminder with a deadline and to charge the customer with cancellation costs in accordance with Section 5.2 Sentence 2 to 5.5.

3. Changes of service

3.1 The tour operator is obliged to inform the customer of any significant changes to services immediately after becoming aware of the reason for the change.

3.2 In the event of a confirmed change to an essential feature of a travel service or a deviation from a special requirement of the traveler that became part of the package travel contract, the traveler is entitled to do so within a reasonable period of time

  1. Accept the notified change of the tour operator or deviation from the special requirement within 24 hours
  2. If the travel service is canceled, you will receive a refund of the amount described without cancellation costs
  3. to explain the partial dependencies on a replacement activity or trip conveniently offered by the tour operator, if the tour operator is in a position to offer such an activity from its range at no additional charge to the customer.

The customer must assert these rights immediately after the tour operator has declared the change to the travel service.

4. Itinerary/Changes

Due to the example (without claiming to be complete) environmental and weather influences (e.g. rain, wind, avalanches, mudslides, etc.), natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc.), border closures, government orders, traffic jams, terrorist attacks, power outages, Short-term changes to directions, etc., the advertised or contracted route can be deviated from, stops on the tour can be postponed or brought forward, and planned sightseeing can be omitted or changed.

In these cases, the tour operator endeavors to offer equivalent alternatives or, if necessary, to make up missing parts elsewhere. If an equivalent alternative or catch-up is not possible, the tour operator will refund the price for the described activity to the customer without cancellation costs.

5. Price increase

The tour operator reserves the right to demand from the customer the price stated in the travel contract in the event of an increase in transport costs or a change in the rates applicable to the travel activities covered. This honoring is only a matter of business if there are more than 3 months between the conclusion of the contract and the postponed travel date and the circumstances leading to the honoring did not occur before the conclusion of the contract and were not foreseeable for the tour operator when the contract was concluded. The tour operator informed the customer of this change immediately. Price increases from the 10th day before departure are ineffective. In the event of price increases of more than 10%, the customer is entitled to withdraw from the travel contract without any fees or to request partial continuation of a trip of at least equivalent value if the tour operator is in a position to offer such a trip from its range at no additional cost to the customer.

6. Cancellation by the customer before the start of the trip/cancellation costs

6.1 The customer can withdraw from the trip at any time before the start of the trip. The withdrawal must be declared to the tour operator at the address provided. The customer is advised to declare the withdrawal in writing.

6.2 If the customer withdraws before the start of the trip or does not start the trip, the tour operator loses the right to the travel price. Instead, if the withdrawal is not his responsibility or there is a case of force majeure, the tour operator can demand appropriate compensation for the travel arrangements made up to the withdrawal and his expenses in proportion to the possible travel price.

6.3 The tour operator has staggered this claim for compensation in terms of time, i.e. taking into account the proximity of the cancellation instruction to the contractually described start of the trip in a flat rate in a percentage ratio of the travel price and when calculating the compensation, usually saved expenses and similar possible other uses of the travel services in the travel services.

The compensation will be paid after the receipt of the customer’s declaration of withdrawal as follows:

• Up to 60 days before the start of the trip: 10% of the travel price
• 59 to 21 days before the start of the trip: 30% of the travel price
• 21 to 8 days before the start of the trip: 55% of the travel price
• 7 to 0 days before the start of the trip or during the trip: 95% of the travel price

Excluded from this are taxes and fees that do not become due if the trip does not start.

Please note unconditionally: No claim for reimbursement if rental cars or campers are accepted later/earlier. If several parties book a trip together, increased cancellation costs may also apply if some of the travelers cancel for shared services (e.g. rental cars or vehicles with a driver on privately guided trips).

Booking of individual services: If a customer only books a single service (e.g. only hotel, only rental car), the tour operator is only an agent. If the customer withdraws from the travel contract, the travel conditions of the tour operator whose service is being provided apply.

6.4 The tour operator reserves the right to demand higher, specific compensation instead of the specified flat rate, provided the tour operator proves that it incurred significantly higher expenses than the applicable flat rate. In this case, the tour operator is obliged to specifically quantify and substantiate the compensation paid, including the expenses saved and any other use of the travel services.

6.5 It is strongly recommended that you take out travel cancellation insurance and trip interruption insurance in the event of illness or accident, for example.

6.6 The customer’s legal right to provide a replacement participant remains unaffected by the above conditions.

7. Services not used

If the customer does not take up individual travel services that were offered to him for reasons that are attributable to him (e.g. due to early return or other compelling reasons), he does not have an address for a pro-rata refund of the travel price. The tour operator will endeavor to reimburse the saved expenses from the service providers. This does not apply if the services are completely insignificant or if reimbursement is contrary to legal or official regulations.

8. Termination for behavioral reasons

The tour operator can terminate the travel contract without notice if, despite a warning from the tour operator, the traveler causes a lasting disruption or if he behaves in breach of contract to such an extent that immediate cancellation of the contract is justified. If the tour operator cancels, he retains the right to the travel price; However, he must allow himself the value of the saved expenses and the savings that he obtains from other uses of the unused service, including the amounts credited to him by the service providers.

9. Customer’s obligations to cooperate

9.1 Notification of defects
If the trip is not provided in accordance with the contract, the customer can request remedial action. However, the customer is obliged to immediately notify the tour operator appointed by the tour operator or the local agency of any travel defects that have occurred. The customer can also request the remedy directly from the tour operator at its registered office at the written address. If he culpably fails to do so, there will be no reduction in the travel price. The customer will be informed about the availability of the tour guide or tour operator in the service description, but at the latest with the travel documents. The tour guide is commissioned to remedy the situation if possible. However, it is not authorized to recognize the customer’s austennis.

9.2 Setting a deadline before termination
. This only does not apply if remedy is impossible or is refused by the tour operator or if the immediate termination of the contract is justified by a special interest of the customer that is apparent to the tour operator.

9.3 Travel documents
The customer must inform the tour operator if he does not receive the required travel documents within the period specified by the tour operator.

10. Choice of law and place of jurisdiction

Bosnian-Herzegovinian law applies exclusively to the contractual relationship between the customer and the tour operator. This also applies to the entire legal relationship.

11. Notice of termination due to force majeure

If the trip is made more difficult, endangered or impaired as a result of force majeure that was not foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded, both the tour operator and the traveler can terminate the contract. The parties must each bear half of the additional costs for the return transport. In all other cases the traveler is responsible for additional expenses.

12. Travel Insurance

The tour operator generally recommends taking out travel cancellation insurance and foreign travel health insurance including coverage of repatriation costs in the event of an accident or illness.