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Planning your trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina: All you need to know

Here, we have collected the most important information you need before your plan your trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina: Currency, weather, visa requirements, how to get around and everything else to consider!


Visa-free entry into Bosnia and Herzegovina is possible for German, Austrian, and Swiss citizens as well as citizens of the USA and many other states. Please check with your foreign service if you need to apply for a visa. Upon entering, you can stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina for up to 90 days.


The national currency in Bosnia and Herzegovina is called “Convertible Mark” or simply “Mark”. It has a fixed exchange rate, one Euro is always equal to 1.95583 BAM. Most restaurants and cafés accept credit and Maestro cards (Visa and Mastercard, American Express rarely).

In general, for your holiday in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we recommend that you have large bills (over 50 BAM) changed into smaller ones in bigger supermarkets or restaurants. Many kiosks, market stalls or smaller stores do not have much change in the cash register.


In Bosnia and Herzegovina you will find a maritime as well as a continental climate zone. Towards the coast, summers are hot and dry, while winters are mild and rainy. In the middle of the country, including the capital Sarajevo, the temperature differences between summer and winter are much greater. While winters are snowy and as cold as -20 degrees, summers can be as hot as 35 degrees. The fewest rainy days occur from July to September.

In general, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a good year-round travel destination: in winter, skiers are offered Olympic ski resorts around Sarajevo, and summers are generally hot and dry. For hiking, however, we recommend the period between May and October for a vacation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as snow continues to fall on many mountains well into the summer.


Most cafés and bars in Bosnia-Herzegovina have free Wi-Fi, and large cities like Sarajevo also offer free Wi-Fi in the city center. However, we understand that when on a holiday in Bosnia and Herzegovina, you want to be available or upload those instagram stories outside of restaurants or city centers too. Prepaid SIM cards are available at any kiosk and mobile internet is cheap. The best option for a short-term stay is a Haloo sim card, with weekly or monthly mobile internet options available. If you book with us, you will get a SIM card for free with your booking 😊

And that’s it: All you need to know for your holiday in Bosnia and Herzegovina. More questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!